Usui Shiki Ryoho Usui Training

Learn the art of healing through energy work. It will transcend you on all levels.

This training is done in a 2 day intensive. All the levels are taught. Level’s I, II, III- Master. You will learn the History of Reiki, practice giving and receiving treatments, send distance healing, self healing, working with animals, adding Reiki to another modality and much more.

Reiki will transform your life, awaken your intuitive gifts, strengthen your energy consciousness and grow you all the days of your life!

Usui Reiki Master Teacher Training

This training you will receive the manual on how to teach Usui Reiki. This is a one day intensive. This can be taken immediately following the two day training or when you feel you are ready. All trainings come with manual.

Life changes will occur with all trainings

Luminous Breathwork Training

This training is a 44 hour program. This is a deep experiential training, as you will be both the student and facilitator. You will learn the breath techniques and how to energetically guide and help transmute the energy. All students are required to have the Usui Reiki Certification prior to this training. This training will offer you guidance on how to connect with your client, help release any traumas, assist with the physical discomfort and release negative mental dialog. Mostly you will learn how the power of breath can heal, beyond anything the mind could conjure up. This is deeply transforming and elevating.